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Showing posts from January, 2018

Let's Talk Paper

You've got your paints, your brushes and the drive to continue, sweet! But wait... what kind of paper do you paint on? As in my previous posts, here and here , about watercolor, it is a different and difficult medium, especially if you've never used it before. If you want to try it, purchasing quality paints, brushes and paper will make all the difference! I know it sounds expensive, but at least you'll have the best chance the medium has to offer to continue it's use.  And besides, you can always gift/sell your supplies to another artist. Starting out, you'll be tempted to buy in the bargain isles.  Because, why would you spend money on something you may not like?  I thought the same.  As such, I had no idea the effect paper would have on my artwork.  My first watercolor class found me grimacing in disappointment. My bargain efforts were not rewarded... Perseverance prevailed and I gradually learned.  There's a huge difference between student g

Winter Landscapes

There's something magical about winter.  The soft calm that follows gentle-falling snowflakes on their silent ride down to earth.  The fluffy blanket of white on an undisturbed landscape that feels so cozy even when your nose hairs are freezing... Besides all the cold, running noses and frozen toes, winter makes me feel safe, tucked up in bed with a hot chocolate and a good book... like a sketchbook...! Even though I no longer live in an area that has winter's like I remember growing up, it still makes me smile and sigh in serenity. I love winter! More than any other time of year, winter just makes me feel like a kid again.  I never suffer from cabin fever during this time.  You can most often find me wondering about outside stuffed inside layers of warm clothing and coats.  Because as soon as my feet start to numb, I know it's time to head inside and get something warm to drink. Anyway, it's a good time of year to do artwork. From Sketch to Paintin