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Why I Love Landscapes

I love landscapes.  I'm an outdoor person.  Leave me to it and I will end up outside.  I will walk and lose myself in the sounds, sights and smells of nature.

My heart is a wide open space to explore.  It's where I want to be, everyday.  It's what I want to share with the world.

It's like a deep connection to a soul mate.  It's in my soul, in my head and my heart.  It's stuck with crazy glue or something, because it's never coming off.  It's my safe place, where people don't exist.
No one to tell me how to do things, how to act and how to be.

There are secluded valleys, forests forever locked in autumn, towering mountains that reach into the heavens and the skies!  There are endless skies of sunsets and sunrises!

Critics complain that a landscape has no value, no story.  I will disagree.

Value Study of Trees - Charcoal

It starts as a song,
that only works in harmony,
resonating down to your bones,
and awakes memory.
The wind blowing in your hair,
every strand dancing the tango together.
The brightness, the warmth of the sun,
still glowing behind closed lids.
Every step takes you further down that road.
My feet have traveled these places before,
but I am not the same person as before.
It's old knowledge with new eyes.
Of uncovering what defines us,
to discover what brings the thunder to your soul.
Of places that only know your shoes, your presence.

I already know who I am.  I'm a landscape.  And this is my story.

What's your inspiration?  I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

Keep up to date with me!  New artwork, works in progress and sketches.
Facebook: R.L. Davis Fine Art & Photography
Instagram: rldavisfineart
Twitter: rldavis
Pinterest: RLDavisArt

Find a selection of prints here: R.L. Davis Fine Art


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